- Visa application form
- Valid passport at least two years.
- Two pictures (4x6 cm. with white background)
- A certified & notarized copy of the university degree/diploma & transcript of record certified by the CHED, (Commission on Higher Education), DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs) and Consulate of Saudi Embassy or PRC License for all professional work.
- NBI Clearance
- Medical Certificate sealed by a hospital accredited by Saudi Embassy.
- Training Certificate for the skilled workers
- OMA Certificate for all Muslim workers
- Valid Driving License for all Drivers
- Original Copy of visa authority & a copy visa
- If the applicant has previously worked in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia a release letter.
- Payments are made to be cash through Equitable PCI Bank in Paseo de Roxas Branch, which cost P850.00 for every working visa stamped.
- Visa application form
- Valid passport at least 6 months.
- Two pictures (4x6 cm. with white background)
- An original covering letter from a registered company indicating the name of Saudi Arabian company, the nature of applicants visit & length of stay . The letter must bear the company’s stamp or seal.
- An application from the sponsor in the Kingdom on the applicant’s behalf to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or an Original invitation from the company in Saudi Arabia. This letter must be signed & sealed by the company & stamped by the Saudi Chamber of Commerce.
- Payments are made to be cash through Equitable PCI Bank in Paseo de Roxas Branch, which cost of P3, 500.00 for every Business visit visa stamped.
- A visa application form and valid passport
- Two pictures (4x6 cm. with white background)
- A confirmed ticket reserved in and out of Saudi Arabia for at most 48 hours.
- A valid visa for the next destination.
- Transit visa gratis.
- Submit an Umrah visa application form accompanied by a recent standard colored passport size photograph.
- Passport must be valid for a minimum period of six months.
- Medical Certificate. Children age three months to twelve years old, parents should consult their primary care doctors.
- A round trip ticket to and from Saudi Arabia with confirmed reservation must also accompany the application.
- A married couple applying for Umrah visas but who have different last names or whose children bear last name from that of their father, should attach copies of their marriage certificate and copy of their children’s birth certificate.
- Umrah visas are granted gratis.
- For those recently embraced Islam and have not previously performed Umrah or Hajj, a Certificate of Conversion to Islam is required.
- Passport Passport or legal travel documents valid for at least 6 months and acceptable both for entry to Saudi Arabia and entry to nest destination. Passport of legal travel documents must have minimum of two blank pages.
- Photos Two recent passport photographs with white background.
- Visa application form for Hajj visas signed & stamped by the travel agency. Original or legible photocopies of the visa application forms are acceptable.
- Airline ticket Each applicant must be in possession of a non-refundable roundtrip ticket with confirmed reservations.
- Medical Certificate Children from the age of 3 months to 2 years and above must take a dose of the A/C vaccine.
- Mahram all ladies are required to travel for Hajj with a Mahram. Proof of Mahram must be submitted. Ladies over the age of 45 can travel without Mahram with an organized group. She must, however, submit no objection letter from her husband, son or brother, authorizing her travel for Hajj with the named group. Such letter should be notarized with the notary public. The Mahram should write his complete information on the application of wife and children, or any other relative whom he is traveling with. Marriage and birth certificates issued outside of the Philippines should be translated and notarized from a certified translations office. Male under the legal age will not be granted a Hajj visa if not accompanied by their family.
- Hajj visa is granted gratis.
Press Releases
- Monday, 17 February 2025 Consul General Rommel Romato Presents Letter of Commission to H.E. Farid bin Saad Alshehri, Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Makkah al-Mukarramah Branch
- Wednesday, 09 October 2024 Jeddah PCG holds “#YOLO₱H: You Only Live Once With Cash,” a financial literacy and empowerment webinar series
- Friday, 04 October 2024 Jeddah PCG, PPO-WRSA hold Coastal Cleanup Drive in Buhairat Beach
- Sunday, 29 September 2024 Filipino Film Showing sa Jeddah held in IPSJ, Jeddah PCG, in celebration of Buwan ng Wika
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Missing Person
- Tuesday, 04 July 2023 Whereabouts of Ms. Rowena Navarro Dagasdas
- Monday, 06 March 2023 Whereabouts of Ms. Elene Donozo Bada
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