Filipinos abroad may file a petition before the Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah to correct a clerical or typographical error in an entry and/or cause a change of First Name or Nickname in the Civil Register without need of a judicial order. This may be done under Republic Act 9048, as amended by Republic Act 10172.


What corrections can be made under RA 9048, as amended by R.A. 10172?

1. Correction of clerical or typographical errors in any entry in civil registry documents.

What is a clerical or typographical error? 

It is an obvious mistake committed in clerical work, either in writing, copying, transcribing, or typing an entry in the civil register that is harmless and innocuous, such as the following:

  • misspelled name or misspelled place of birth;
  • mistake in the entry of day and month in the date of birth
  • gender/sex (provided that this correction is not a result of a sex-reassignment)

The error must be visible to the eyes or obvious to the understanding, and can be corrected or changed only by reference to other existing record or records

Legal basis: RA 9048, as amended by R.A. 10172

2. Change of a person's first name or nickname in his/her civil registry document under the following grounds:

  • The petitioner finds the first name or nickname to be ridiculous, tainted with dishonor or extremely difficult to write or pronounce.
  • The new first name or nickname has been habitually and continuously used by the petitioner and he has been publicly known by that by that first name or nickname in the community: or
  • The change will avoid confusion

Legal Basis: Section 4, RA 9048


What cannot be subject to administrative correction and must undergo judicial process for correction?

Those involving the change of

  1. Nationality,
  2. Age, or
  3. Status of the Petitioner (Legitimate/Illegitimate)


Who can file a Petition for Correction?

Someone who is of legal age (18 years old and above) and must have a direct and personal interest in the correction being sought.

If the record to be corrected belongs to a minor, an adult who has a direct and personal interest in the correction being sought must be the one to file the petition.

Who are considered to have a direct and personal interest in the correction being sought?

  1. The owner of the relevant record;

  2. Relatives of the owner of the relevant record, namely:

    1. Spouse

    2. Children

    3. Parents

    4. Siblings (Brothers and Sisters)

    5. Grandparents

    6. Legal Guardians

  3. Authorized representative of the document owner (must present an authorization letter from the record owner)


 Please note that the whole process may take around one (1) year from date of petition.

Where Procedure / Steps











  1. Proceed to Window 2, Building 3, and submit all of the required documents
  2. The Consular Officer will review all documents and inform the client if there are discrepancies that need to be corrected or any missing document that needs to be presented.

  3. If all documents are complete in form and substance, the Consular Officer will direct the client to pay the fees at the Cashier.

  4. Proceed to Cashier (1st Floor, Building 3) to pay the fees and return the receipt to the Consular Officer at Window 2.

  5. Once the fees are settled, the Consular Officer will accept the Petition for processing and preparation of the Notice of Posting.

  6. The Notice of Posting will be posted at a conspicuous place inside the Consulate for 10 Consecutive days.

  7. A Certificate of Posting will be issued at the end of the posting period.

  8. If the Consul General approves the petition, it will be sent to DFA Manila for onward transmittal to the Philippine Statistics Authority.







  1. Transmittal of Records by the DFA Office of Consular Affairs (DFA-OCA) to the Philippine Statistics Authority

  2. Processing and Review by the PSA of the Petition

  3. PSA may affirm (approve) or impugn (disapprove) the decision of the Consul General

  4. PSA will transmit its decision to DFA-OCA

  5. DFA-OCA will transmit the decision to Jeddah PCG






  1. Once Jeddah PCG receives the decision of the PSA, it will:
  • Prepare the Certificate of Finality, if the decision of the Consul General is affirmed. 

NOTE: If the Consulate does not contact you, it means the petition has been approved and the correction will be annotated on the record being corrected
Inform the Petitioner, if the decision of the Consul General is impugned.

  • Inform the Petitioner, if the decision of the Consul General is impugned




Please select the Civil Registry document you wish to have corrected below:

Civil Registry Document

Documentary Requirements

Original MUST be presented 

Number of Copies to be presented

Report of Birth



























  1. Duly accomplished Petition for Correction of Clerical Error in the Report of Birth



  1. Original Report of Birth to be corrected, issued by the PSA



  1. Original Saudi Birth Certificate in Arabic, if available

If Saudi BC is not available, Birth Notification (with english translation) issued by the Hospital.



  1. English Translation of Saudi Birth Certificate or Birth Notification, whichever is available



  1. Any 3 of the following IDs/documents to support the correction sought:

    1. Passport

    2. Baptismal Certificate

    3. Voter's ID

    4. Voter's Certificate

    5. Driver's License

    6. School ID

    7. School Records/ Transcript/ Diploma

    8. NBI/Police Clearance

    9. Company IDs

    10. Employment Records

    11. Medical Records

    12. Other public or private document/IDs that support the correction sought


1 copy of each supporting ID/document to be submitted

  1. Photocopy of the data page of the petitioner’s passport



Additional Requirement if information to be corrected is the gender/sex:

  1. Medical Certification issued by an accredited government physician on the gender of the person



Report of Marriage























  1. Duly accomplished Petition for Correction of Clerical Error in the Report of Marriage



  1. Original Report of Marriage to be corrected, issued by the PSA



  1. Original Saudi Marriage Certificate in Arabic, if married at a Saudi Court



  1. English Translation of Saudi Marriage Certificate, if applicable



  1. Any 3 of the following IDs/documents to support the correction sought:

    1. Passport

    2. Baptismal Certificate

    3. Voter's ID

    4. Voter's Certificate

    5. Driver's License

    6. School ID

    7. School Records/ Transcript/ Diploma

    8. NBI/Police Clearance

    9. Company IDs

    10. Employment Records

    11. Medical Records

    12. Other public or private document/IDs that support the correction sought


1 copy of each supporting ID/document to be submitted

  1. Photocopy of the data page of the petitioner’s passport




Notarization of the Petition for Correction of Report of Birth/Marriage:           SR 200.00