Press Release No. EBB-14-2019


PCG Jeddah Celebrates Women’s Month

(03 March 2019, Jeddah) - The Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah commemorated the start of Women’s Month through a women-led flag raising ceremony attended by Consulate personnel, clad in purple, as well as the distressed Overseas Filipino Workers currently HOUSED AT Bahay Kalinga.

In a short program after the flag ceremony, Consul Mary Jennifer D. Dingal, the Consulate’s Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point, shared the 2017–2022 theme of Women’s Month which is We Make Change Work for Women. Aside from explaining the various elements of the theme, she highlighted that the Philippines has maintained its place as one of the leading countries in terms of women empowerment.

Vice Consul Sheila Mae A. Briones, the Consulate’s Alternate GAD Focal Point encouraged the Consulate personnel and female wards to build on the success that the Philippines has achieved in terms of women empowerment and continue to work on other areas to help further promote gender equality.

The song “Kababaihan Makapangyarihan” written by Geejay Arriola was also played to remind everyone of the innate strength of women that enables them to contribute towards shaping the future.

The program concluded with the symbolic release of purple balloons by PCG personnel and representatives of the female wards. (END



Jeddah PCG Personnel and distressed OFWs during the flag raising ceremony.


Jeddah PCG Personnel and representatives of the female wards form the symbol for
woman in preparation for the release of balloons.


Symbolic release of purples balloons.


Purple clad women personnel of Jeddah PCG.