Press Release No. EBB-12-2019
Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah hosts free artists’ workshop for children of OFW families
Jeddah – 25 February 2019. The Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah continued celebrating the National Arts month by giving a free artists’ workshop for children of OFW families. The children came to the workshop with painting supplies ready at hand.Consul General Edgar Badajos opened the workshop with a terse introduction wherein he commended the young participants “for taking time out to learn more about the rich artistic history of our country.”
In the workshop proper, Vice Consul Alfred Guiang gave a lecture on Philippine artistic traditions. This was followed by another short talk on the basics of painting by Architect Larry Villanueva and Mrs. Lila Buenaseda, and, later, an invitation for those present to take part in making their own artistic creations through the medium of paint and canvas.
The workshop concluded with a live painting demonstration by members of “Senses Artists,” a local Saudi youth arts group, who also assisted those present in creating their own works of art. END
Vice Consul Alfred Guiang giving a lecture on Philippine artistic traditions
Finished art pieces from the Filipino youth group in attendance