343 Examinees in Jeddah Take Special Professional

Licensure Board Examinations

Press Release No. 17-2015


The Philippine Consulate in Jeddah wishes to announce to the Filipino Community in Jeddah and the Western Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that a total of 343 Filipinos in the Western Region took the recently concluded Special Professional Licensure Board Examinations (SPLBE) held in Jeddah on 24 to 26 September 2015 at the Ibn Sina Medical College in Mahajar St., Jeddah.




The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), headed by Ms. Gloria L. Asinas, Senior Professional Regulations Officer, in cooperation with the Philippine Consulate General and the Philippine Overseas Labor Office, successfully administered the licensure examinations broken down as follows:


splbe table


There were actually 482 who applied in the 2015 SPLBE. However, some applicants requested transfer of testing center; others were not able to comply with the documentary requirements while others were on-duty during the dates of examinations.


splbe 2015


As in previous years, this year’s examinations were organized and coordinated by the officers and members of Philippine Professional Organizations (PPO) Western Region Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of its current President, Mr. Allan Tenio Zamora, CPA. END.