
21 September 2014 – The Consulate’s officers and staff, as well as those of its attached services and together with some of their spouses volunteered and joined in the International Coastal Cleanup 2014 on 19 September 2014 held at Kaleeg Salma-Buhayrat City, North Obhur in Jeddah, K.S.A.

The event, which was organized by the Alliance of Pro-Active Organizations Center for Environmental Advocacy (APOCEA), was attended by more than 24 Filipino Organizations, students and teachers from the various Philippine Schools in Jeddah, as well as other nationality groups in Jeddah.

cleanup2The Consulate’s “Coastal Cleanup Group” (CCG) which was composed of forty-three (43) volunteers was cleanup3tasked to cleanup Area 5. The CCG gamely and efficiently  collected refuse that included a soccer ball, a carpet, wooden planks and steel rods, hundreds of plastic spoons and forks and other things made of plastic. After the cleanup, the CCG gathered in one area at the beach and enjoyed a hearty breakfast which they shared with attending Kabayans who failed to bring food.

A short program and awarding of certificates of appreciation/participation concluded the cleanup activity. In a brief message, the undersigned congratulated APOCEA for organizing/spearheading the International Coastal Cleanup 2014 and expressed the Consulate’s full support to activities of similar nature. He also acknowledged APOCEA’s sponsors and the Filipino community organizations for their support and participation in the coastal cleanup, without which the activity would not have been successful. He further encouraged everyone to continue doing this worthwhile annual activity for the sake of the marine environment and expressed hoped that there will be more ardent participants next year.  END.cleanup4