Press Release No. EBB-23-2019
Filipino Chef’s Group in Jeddah Gives OFWs Hope for a Second Career Option
Jeddah, 31 March 2019 – More than thirty (30) Overseas Filipino Workers with regular day jobs in Jeddah received their certificates as newly-minted chefs and bakers after undergoing 6 sessions of intensive training in culinary arts and baking from the International Center for Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management (ICCAHM). The awarding of certificates took place on Friday, 29 March, during the 7th Commencement Exercises of ICCAHM. ICCAHM is the premier Filipino chef’s group in Jeddah.
Consul General Edgar Badajos who attended the ceremony commended ICCAHM and its President and Founding Chairman, Mr. Roger Cabacang, for giving OFWs in Jeddah a second career option when they finally return to the Philippines, sooner or later. “By making the course available to any OFW with a passion for cooking, ICCAHM is, in a way, complementing our government’s reintegration program for returning OFWs,” he added.
Consul General Badajos also expressed admiration to ICCAHM’s objectives and said that “you are giving our fellow Filipinos not only abilities in aspects of the culinary arts but also widening their doors to opportunities in the Philippines for those who wish to open their own bakeries and/or restaurants when they go back to the country for good.”
The evening concluded with a wide variety of different dishes that ICCAHM’s graduating class prepared themselves. END
Consul General Edgar Badajos congratulating the newly-minted chefs and bakers
The graduates
Some of the graduates receiving their certificates